January 31 - can you picture a moose standing on two legs?
Two times a week I get to play with clay in school :) In one of my classes we are casting our own chess checkers. This is a collage I made for inspiration. I am making a forrest themed chess. Right now I am working on the queen - mama bear. All the animals are going to stand on two legs in order to make the casting procedure easier. Can you picture a moose standing on two legs?? :S
January 30 - ice, ice, ICE!
It is everywhere! My grandma is afraid to leave the house. I understand her completely. The emergency room are busy these days with concussions, fractures etc. It is dangerous out there! The gravel is not helping much even if they are adding more everyday. I am pretty sure that there will be an inch or two of gravel in the streets when the ice has melted.
January 29 - qualified for Blixtlåset
One of my classes is one big project. We have been working on it since school started in August. Today we presented our projects in front of a jury. It went well for my group and we are now qualified for a national competition this Spring. And here I was hoping it would be over after today.
I am glad that they liked our project. We have put a lot of time and effort in to it but I would have prefered Fridays off!!
January 28 - Gullan is in town :D
I borrowed the car and picked her up at the airport. Getting there did not go as smoothly as I had planned. I can find my way around when I am in the passenger seat, but not when I am driving. Before I managed to get out of town I drove in a circle around the Central station, missed the exit for the bridge, drove in another circle around the Ullevi stadium and almost missed the exit for the tunnel. On the other side of the river it went well though. Then It was just to follow the road signs.
We spent the whole afternoon at a café. They had BIG pastries ^^
It was great to see both her and Sara, but one seat was empty, Karin's.
January 27 - up making a brochure
January 26 - poor mom
She was on her way home when she tripped and landed on her nose. According to her doctor the nose is dislocated. (That is what she said over the phone sounding very nasal) Dislocated.. Does that mean that she is going to look slightly different from now on? Poor mom, the nose is probably really swollen.
I feel sorry for my mom, but when I was googleing noses I found this product. Awsome, right?
January 25 - math is no longer my friend
I just want to forget it. I should have picked sleep last night.
January 24 - studying
What will give me the best result tomorrow, more math or sleep? I am definitely not sleeping enough these days.
January 23 - sugar addicted
January 22 - my hair is getting long
I like this lenght. But I like my long hair too. What I like the best varies. It is easy to change it one way, the other way around you have to wait soo long. Sometimes I miss the long hair I had in 7th and 8th grade. I liked feeling the weight of it towards my shoulders. Cannot decide wheather or not to get a haircut.
January 21 - walking down stairs-phobia
I am afraid of going down staircases. Sometimes when I am walkning down a stair I have to stop and think about where I put my feet. Does it sound strange? For some reason I am scared to miss a step and fall head (reed teeth) first. Knocking out a tooth i what scares me the most.
January 20 - innovative design
Pee and Poo. Kind of gross but I love them. The idea of making them as plushies is brilliant. Even if we do not always like to admit it, we can all relate to these guys. They are a part of our natural life. My interpretation is that the designer tried bring up a subjet that usually tabu, but I wonder what some people might think of Swedish design when they see Pee and Poo.
I really need to pee. I have been ignoring my need for a while. You see I am already in bed and do not want to get up again. I am all warm and comfortable. If I get up again I will become cold. I am so tired, but it is not duable any more. I have to get up.
January 19 - a popular Chemistry teacher
Today during Chemistry we made slime :D
If I rember correctly we mixed barium carbonate with poly... something? All we cared about was the slime. The best part was to choose the color of the slime. My group picked a fluorid yellow. By far the coolest! I think the other groups became jealous and regret there choice of color when they saw how our turned out.
January 18 - a little flashback
2003- that is how far back we have digetal photos. My dad might have been trying the camare out in this picture.
I remember thinking that I looked cool in this picture, with my silver earings and the hand beneath my chin. Haha, things change. The shirt is still cute though.
January 17 - the pile keeps growing
January 16 - Maja's birthday
A happy night out :)
And a little earlier I got some film festival tickets :)
January 15 - working on a school project
Building a model - father and daughter bonding time :)
I just realised that the sim-card is in northen Africa. Haha :P
It is fun taking things apart, discovering what is behind the surface, and then the challange of putting all parts back together again. It can be quite a puzzle! Maybe I am a technician after all.
14 January - Fail
January 13 - 16 days until the film festival
The program for Göteborg Internalional Film Festival is here! I went and picked it up right after school. Since then I have been flipping the pages back and forward, marking movies that I would like to see with a blue highlighter :D
Something else that I am very happy about is the discovery that long johns work perfectly fine underneath a pair of leggings.
I was very grateful for my pair of long johns this morning. You see the bus did not have any heating on. What the crap?! While standing at the busstop I had kept telling myself that I only had to outlive the cold a few more minutes, then the warm would arrive. That is what I thought anyway..
January 12 - what to (not) ride on when there is snow
I had to take the bike this morning in order to make it in time for the bus. With all the snow it was kind of risky. I got the o-oh feeling with the creeps several times, like "this is not going to have a happy ending". Fortunately I made it back and forward to school in whole pieces. I must (try to) get up ealier tomorrow so that I have plenty of time for walking.
This is what you shuold ride on instead of bicykles. As my Facebook status last Wednesday, I posted a question if anyone cared to join me for some sledding. It is still my status. No one has taken the bait, it has been almost a week now. Come on people, it is a lot of fun!
January 11 - bargain shopping
The t-shirt says Bon(e) Appétit. That is exactly how I felt when I went into
a store with sale. 75% off resulted in 7 necklaces :)
January 10 - ugh!
I cannot get the song "These photographs" by Joshua Bradin out of my head. Even though I probably was humming the song, I still managed to forget to pick up my developed photos at the mall when I was there today. Ugh.
It has been a bad day.
This is how it went when I wanted to look at some old photos:
Putting them back in the right order was a nightmare since all of them were taken long before I was born.
And when I decided to comfort eat a cinnamon bun I dopped the best part, the vanilla cream middle, on the floor. It said SPLASH! :(
January 9 - bye, bye Christmas tree
When I got home today the tree was gone :( I did not have a say. If it was up to me I would have kept it a lot longer. It was not the prettiest Cristmas tree, but its skewness and nudety gave it charm. It hardly dropped any needles and had a wonderful scent.
R.I.P. dear Christmas tree.
January 8 - I want them green
Bananas are tricky because the ripe so fast, but thanks to the refridgerator I can keep them (GREEN) the way I like them longer.
Green apples are trickier. Their looks can fool you in the store. I love Granny Smith's, but only when they taste sour and ar crispy. It is not like you can take a bite at the store and try the sourness, instead you have examine the apples to find the right signs.
First of all, are they green enough? They have to be very green.
Secondly, are they firm and without brown stains from hitting thing?
Third, do they have tiny, tiny white dots. (sign or sourness) But you have to be careful, when the dots become bigger the apple is not sour anymore.
I am not sure that I would like the apple in the picture. Yes, it is very green and yes, it does not have brown stains, but I am afraid that the white dots are slightly too big. Downstairs I have a perfect one.
Let's make fruit salad :D
January 7 - wire does it!
Bent Objects - My favorite book right now.
It is so clever! With help from some wire, the photographer and artist Terry Border guides you through the secret life of everyday things. How does a lemon react when it meets its plastic version or how do peanuts feel about peanutbutter? It is not the average Joe thought. I like how the book makes me look at ordinary things in a different way and think outside of the box. It is very inspireing. My creative part of the brain are doing cart wheels of happiness.
Check this out --> http://bentobjects.blogspot.com/
P.S. My hair froze at one point today because it was wet when I walked out. Pretty cool! It has never happened to me before...
January 6 - a disappointing Sangria
Sangria - a Spanish wine punch.
Well, I tried to make my own since no one liked the red wine Maja and I got in Lanzarote. I found a recipe online and went to the store to buy the required lemon, orange and soda. I found the rest of the ingredients at home and and mixed it in a glass pitcher and left it in the refridgerator over night, as you were supposed to do. I have to say that it looked very nice on its shelf. Over night ended up being two nights (I believe that was the problem, either that or to much lemon) and good looking was all my sangria became. The taste - YUCK! It was bitter and sour. Drinking it made both my mom and I do weird faces.
January 5 - my "name day"
I am just finishing my last candy santa claus. Maybe I should stock up some while they still are selling them. I am afraid that I will have to wait until next year to enjoy another one otherwise :(
My mom and I went skiing this morning but we did not find any good tracks. Compared to the tracks we used last year in Norway they were horrible. Although, I should not be complaining, usually Gothenburg does not get enough snow to even go skiing.
This is how we looked last year -->
January 4 - big boxes of chocolate are dangerous
This box was full yesterday! It is embarrassing to admit that it had two layers. Thinking about it now makes me a little disgusted. At the same time I know that I will have a hard time to resist the temptation of another piece tomorrow. Why? Why is it like that?
Oh, I have to mention that I am sitting in my new chair. It is very comfy ^^
January 3 - still very cold outside
This is mine :) I got it today.
Tomorrow I am taking the car ( it feels very good to be able to say that I am taking the car) to pick up the matching chair. It was my mom who suggested that I should put an armchair in my room. Why would I want to argue about that? Right now I have a pile of suitcases in my room, for some reason (?). I would me happy to get rid of them! So, this morning we went to a store that sell furniture. I think we all were surprised when I found something that I liked. That is not how it usually is. Pam calls me picky.
Now I am eating candy santa clauses and watching the movie 500 days of Summer while waiting for Max.
Update: Most candy santa clauses are gone. Maria never came. She fell asleep.
January 2 - taking it easy
Todays highlight: thai food for dinner at Grandma's house ^^ My uncle is staying with my grandmother. With him he has his assistant who is from Thailand. She happens to also be a chef! I love her food.
I have not been working out for over three weeks. It is time get going again. Since I got home from Lanzarote I have barley been moving at all. To some extent I blame it on the weather but it is a bad excuse when I happen to have warm clothes. So today I pulled on thermopants and walked both ways to my grandma's house. It felt good even if it was cold. I got ice in my scarf when my breath condensed. Haha.
The only thing that bugged me was that my earphones refused to play music in both ears. There must be a gap in the cord. Since my mp3-player got stolen I have been borrowing Maja's but it feels like it is time to give it back to her. I have a phone that can play music now. The earpones that came with the phone keep falling out of my ears Instead of buying a new pair I bought this thing last week be alble to to use my regular earphones . It seems like I made the wrong decision. I should have just bought a new pair. Sometimes I can be a little tight-fited. Maybe, maybe my dad can fix the gap. I really hope so. Dads are good at fixing things :)
January 1 - a new year has begun
New Year's Day - I think that I am spending it the way that you are supposed to, sleeping in late, watching movies and reading.
Time scares me a little, not having enough time. Time really goes by quicker the older you get. If I can feel it now, how fast must not time then move for my parents, not to mention for my grandmother!? It all make sense; one day, week or even year, of their life is a much smaller percentage of their whole life compared with what it would be for me. None of us can do anything about. Would I want to do anything about it? Probably some days, other days it is comforting that life moves on.
This year I have promised myself to do some things differently. Well, I do that every year. I did stop biting on my nails and this past year I did get my drivers license, but other than that I do not know if I have been very successful with my previous promises. Let's see how it works out this time!
I beleive 2010 is going to be a good year.
I started the year off by finishing a good book, Äppeldalen (or Sweet Hush in English). I became a little sad that the book was over, you know when get in to the charecters and just want to keep reading. Then, guess what! When I was looking for a picture (todays picture) of the book cover, I found and extra chapter about what happend next for the character!!. Now I have read it :D