January 22 - my hair is getting long

I like this lenght. But I like my long hair too. What I like the best varies. It is easy to change it one way, the other way around you have to wait soo long. Sometimes I miss the long hair I had in 7th and 8th grade. I liked feeling the weight of it towards my shoulders. Cannot decide wheather or not to get a haircut.

Postat av: Pam

I think you should cut it!

I loved that haircut on you!

2010-01-30 @ 22:39:48
Postat av: Carin

And how short was your hair before:)?

2010-01-30 @ 23:53:44
URL: http://cremak.blogg.se/

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One picture a day to document my year. As of right now 2010 means a trip to Barcelona, graduation (and an uncertain future)and my twentieth birthday.
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