January 1 - a new year has begun

New Year's Day - I think that I am spending it the way that you are supposed to, sleeping in late, watching movies and reading.

Time scares me a little, not having enough time. Time really goes by quicker the older you get. If I can feel it now, how fast must not time then move for my parents, not to mention for my grandmother!? It all make sense; one day, week or even year, of their life is a much smaller percentage of their whole life compared with what it would be for me. None of us can do anything about. Would I want to do anything about it? Probably some days, other days it is comforting that life moves on.

This year I have promised myself to do some things differently. Well, I do that every year. I did stop biting on my nails and this past year I did get my drivers license, but other than that I do not know if I have been very successful with my previous promises. Let's see how it works out this time!

I beleive 2010 is going to be a good year.

I started the year off by finishing a good book, Äppeldalen (or Sweet Hush in English). I became a little sad that the book was over, you know when get in to the charecters and just want to keep reading. Then, guess what! When I was looking for a picture (todays picture) of the book cover, I found and extra chapter about what happend next for the character!!. Now I have read it :D



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One picture a day to document my year. As of right now 2010 means a trip to Barcelona, graduation (and an uncertain future)and my twentieth birthday.
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