June 9 - got locked in at work

They forgot me :( While I went up to the locker room to get my stuff the others left. When I came down again all the lights were off in the store and no one were to be found. I navigated to the storage in the dark for the emergency exit which turned out to be locked!! PANIC :O Luckily I had programmed the number to my boss so I called her whith a shakey voice. She said that she was going to call for security to let me out. *Relif* After we had had hung up I found a way to get out anyway so I called her right back to say that everything was fine. As soon as I had said that though the alarm went off, SUPER loud. Panic again. It was comforting to be talkning to someone. My boss is really sweet. Finally security came and I was free to drive home. I am glad that it was summer and light outside and I am really happy that I had the number programmed to my boss. I think that I just programmed it the other day.

Postat av: mia

Vilken grej! Mycket ska man vara med om! Men det lär väl inte hända igen,antar jag. Viktigt att man väntar in alla ju!

Ha det gott!

2010-06-10 @ 20:41:04

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One picture a day to document my year. As of right now 2010 means a trip to Barcelona, graduation (and an uncertain future)and my twentieth birthday.
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