March 31 - not good enough blood
Today I made a second attempt to become a blood-donor, the first time was when I just had turned 18. Once again one of my blood values were to low and they threw my blood in the trash. We said goodbye and I got the same advice as the first time, to come back in a couple of years.
Does a needle usually give you this big of a mark?
March 30 - caught up with Karin
Old times :)
March 29 - almost Easter
March 28 - international guests
My fourth cousin (?) (him and I are the fourth generation) is visiting us from Los Angeles. With him on the trip he has his Japanese girlfriend. I am enjoying speaking English and comparing cultures. I will miss Phil and Noyuri when they continue their trip to Denmark.
March 27 - Le Pain Francais
Whenever we study we always end up at the same café, Le Pain Francais, by Avenyn. On the second floor we have our study corner where it feels ok to sit even if we stay for several hours. If you go to a café where the staff can see you the whole time it feels like they are giving you the angry eye after a while.
March 26 - Let's Dance
Friday entertainment with mom :)
March 25 - Blixtlåset
8 teams advanced to the final. 3 teams from Polhemsgymnasiet. We were one of them...
... and won the second place!!!! The prize was a 9000 kronor check :D :D :D
Here are the winners :
and here we are :
March 24 - history test anxiety
March 23 - curling!
March 22 - exactly 5 years ago
The office - My dad's old office. He moved in to a new one in the city a few years ago.
The scarf - I want to find that scarf again. Although, if I remember correctely it is one of those who itch. Maybe that it why I stopped wearing it.
My glasses - Pair number two. Now I am on my fourth pair.
The bangs - I remember how they never cooperated with me. They always parted in the middle. UGLY!
March 21 - David's b-day
March 20 - the old cleats vs the new ones
+ green, pretty laces, perfect fit
- awful smell, dirty, holes in the lining, broken in the plastic
in other words, warn-out.
New cleats
+ brand new smell, ckean, soft, neat, match the uniforms
- needs to be warn in
March 19 - pretty pastries
At the mall today you could see the work of cooking school students who participated in the Swedish championship for young pastery chefs. It smelled soooo good and the pastries were impressive!
I used to want to become a pastry chef. I am actually still interested. Especially after today!
March 18 - long day
I did not have time to make it home before practice so I brought dinner with me to school. We have both refrigerator and a microwave in the workshop. It was kind of lonely though. By 5:30 the school building was kind of empty. It was me and all the dust from clay, polystyrene and gypsum.
I have started to paint my chess characters.
March 17 - soccer outdoors tomorrow
My hands hurt like if they are sore. Strange feeling. It is probably from Monday when we cleared the soccer field from ice. I tried to chop the ice in to smaller pieces with a rake. The ice was so thick that the rake became deformed.Oops.. I hope the owner does not mind too much. I do not know who I borrowed it from.
No ice, (or less at least) means practice outdoors tomorrow :)
March 16 - a very good day
Sun, art and a MVG in math (!)
March 15 - Svante is off to Shanghai
Wohoooooo! There will be no Physics or Math for the next two weeks. Hello some spare time :D
I am going to write more letters, go to the gym, catch up on some tv-shows, watch Remember Me and get a hair cut. That is all the things that I would like to do anyway.
March 14 - kiwi
10 kr for a box :D That is like nothing so I bought two. I will be eating a lot of kiwi this week ^^
And when I googled kiwi this picture came up:
The Blue Bison is one of my idols
March 13 - I am not a seller
I stood outside the paint store for over an hour. No paint shopper bought my "idrottsrabatten" even though it would have given them 25 % off.
I want to get rid of them. PLEASE! But, why would they want to do me a favour?
March 12 - caffè latte is my new favorite
March 11 - unprepared
Guess what? We have a game on Sunday. It is going to be very interesting.
- First of all we haven not been able to practice outdoors, since October or November maybe?
- Secondly our goalie is injured.
March 10 - dried toothpaste
Being in a hurry in certainly gives you a scattered brain. I tried to be efficient this morning. I figured that I would save time if I loaded my toothbrush with toothpaste, in the meantime while waiting for the water to become warm enough to get washed up.
It did not go quite as I had planned. Just now I found my toothbrush with a layer of dried toothpaste. Apparently I did not brush my teeth at all this morning :O
Oh well, I must have saved me some time at least.
March 9 - sipping microwave oven warmed tea
I destroyed the kettle yesterday :(
March 8 - blackout
March 7 - I identify with Rosemary
March 6 - oatmeal and I
March 5 - I am a disrespectful friend
I am not treating my computor well. I dropped it on the floor this morning. It feels like I am not good enough for it. My computor is my friend, one of my best friends. And what do I do? I drop it on the floor! Now the battery is loose and you can not trap down the screen properly. Maybe it can forgive me, even though I do not deserve it.
In the beginning it had a whole bed to itself. I hope it remembers.
March 4 - gingerbread house going bad
This gingerbread house is still standing on a shelf in the workshop at school. It must be about three months old now. Imagine the dust! I repeat, it has been standing in the workshop where gypsom and polystyrene particals are flying around. I really do not want to eat it!!
March 3 - "dentist appointment"
I told my teacher that I have a dentist appointmen tomorrow morning. It feels better that just skipping school without saying anything.
I might need a real dentist appontment though. My teeth have been moving some. I am afraid that they are becoming skewed.
March 2 - when does trampoline season start?
March 1 - new, season, new era, more sleep
New, season, new era, more sleep. That was the plan at least. Well good luck. It is already 11:20 pm and I need to take the bus for school in less than eight hours. AHhhhhhh! I am tired but I have so many things to do. Almost done with the job application at least.